Friday, September 30, 2011

How to Improve Confidence With Women - 3 Surefire Techniques to Grab and Keep Her Interest

How to Improve Confidence With Women - 3 Surefire Techniques to Grab and Keep Her Interest
By Max Grimnar

If you're a guy who struggles to get a date, or keep a woman's interest past the first night, you'll need to learn how to improve confidence with women. Fortunately, it's not some kind of rocket science restricted to dating gurus and hunky guys. Average joes can have plenty of success even with beautiful women, and here's how.

1. Get into a relaxed mindset.

The way you interact with women is based around your mindset. If you have what I call the "alpha mindset," which is basically a confident, relaxed state of mind, your success with women automatically goes up - simply because you're in the right frame of mind.

You need to develop this mindset, and be able to get into it quickly, if you want to learn how to improve confidence with women.

Ways of initiating this mindset are to use affirmations, to practice positive self-talk throughout the day, and to live an active life you enjoy, while keeping close ties to your passions.

2. Detach yourself from outcomes.

Want to know why so many guys fail when they go out with the specific intent to pick up women? Because they're trying to pick up women. That's the outcome they want; when it doesn't happen, they fail.

Get rid of the idea that you need to have a date or a number by the end of the night. The result will be that you're much more relaxed and less self-conscious. You'll be able to talk to women more easily when you can divorce yourself from outcomes.

In a nutshell: stop trying to get her number, and eventually you will.

3. Have an idea of what you want, but don't fixate on it.

You may have a specific type of woman you're looking for. Well, in reality, it's harder to get a date or get good experience with women if your heart is set on getting a girl who's a 10 in the looks department the first night you go out.

Instead, your goal should just be to hang out with women and talk. You'll improve confidence this way, because you'll gradually learn that women aren't special or scary - they're really a lot like men in the end.

And their goals are often the same as men's, especially in the context of a bar or club. So don't be afraid to have the goal of getting a girl's number on your mind... just don't fixate on it.

And it's okay to take an interest in a specific girl, but what if it turns out you click much better with her friend? Don't be afraid to talk to different women and realize that you have plenty of options out there. When you adopt the relaxed alpha male mindset mentioned in the first point, this whole process will get a lot easier.

Want to learn more? []Click here

Article Source: [] How to Improve Confidence With Women - 3 Surefire Techniques to Grab and Keep Her Interest

Thursday, September 29, 2011

How to Make a Conversation With a Girl - 3 Things To Know

Here's how you can learn how to make a conversation with a girl, explained in a simple 3 step method. These tricks are easy and can be developed with time and practice and a little effort.

1. Develop self confidence.

The more you talk to people, the more confident you'll get when it comes to learning how to make a conversation with a girl. It's not as difficult as most people think, but it does take time and practice to get good at making interesting conversation.

Self confidence is a double benefit thing. The more you have, the more people will want to talk to you, and the easier it will get to talk to them. Obviously you can see how this would benefit you when you're approaching women.

You can also develop self confidence by leading a life where you're really happy, so set small goals for yourself that you can attain, as they'll give you good mood boosts.

2. Practice, practice, practice.

It's not gonna just get easy to talk to women overnight; you've got to practice your conversation skills as much as possible. You should be talking to women, men, old people, young people, fat people, thin people, basically anyone and everyone you can. The more you practice conversation, the easier it will get.

Go to bookstores, social gatherings, business meetings, anything you can. And when you're there, just make it a habit to get into a small conversation about the weather or whatever is on your mind, as long as it's a neutral topic (avoid, say, politics).

3. Try not to care what she thinks.

A big part of learning how to make a conversation with a girl is to stop caring what she thinks. The less you're concerned with her opinion of you, the easier it will be to talk to her - and ultimately have dating success with her.

This is something that also comes with self confidence, and good conversation skills. So continue building your people skills, and at the same time, work on building self confidence, so that when you approach a girl, you won't be so concerned with her opinion of you.

In the end, if all you can do is say to yourself before you approach a girl, "I dont' care what she thinks; I have a good opinion of myself" you'll be worlds ahead.

Remember: build self confidence, practice talking to people, and try not to care what girls think of you. The more you adopt these three things, the easier it will get to have success with women.